
Creativity without constraints

is a little like a satellite without an orbit. It can drift off in any direction, which isn't much help to anyone.

Without getting too ahead of myself, it’s been said I’m a fairly principled chap. Our values and goals are often a matter of perspective, but I find a manifesto of sorts, a useful tool.

While our orbits might twist and turn, isn’t it a good idea to plot a path?

  1. Make it as simple as possible, but never simpler
    • Reduce complex ideas to achievable goals, split into tasks, completing one task at a time. Learn as you go, be like Feynman.
  2. No bullshit
  3. Keep it secret, keep it safe
    • In a connected, digital, data-obsessed world, privacy matters. As a society it’s our job protect the people we serve, even when mind-numbingly difficult (oh how I love you, GDPR)
  4. Make it easy, make it seamless
    • In a world full of distractions, time is precious. It may be Jane, the new mum, trying to organise life; Mike the cafe owner, too busy to think; or Jaylah, the apathetic millennial who wants it right now. Be respectful of people’s time.
  5. Why is more important than how
    • I’ll forgo the rant about too many [useless, wasteful, …] X in the world. What’s the focus? what’s the goal? What is it for? Why bother?
  6. Humans are more important than robots
    • As a recovering tech fatigue victim myself, I’d love to — in some small way — contribute to a humanist vision. Although the science still isn’t clear on an always-connected world, I believe without constraints tech can have a negative impact on mental health. Online communication is not the same as offline interaction; for me, online should only be a means of improving offline conversations, relationships and life.
  7. Open doors are better than closed ones
    • One of my, yet to be proven, theories is that collaboration is a hyper-competitive marketplace. Healthy competition is fine, but I’m happy to collaborate with people who share the same values.
  8. Life, is a learning process
    • As in, you’re never done. In these divisive times, we could all do with getting a little more comfortable with doubt. Start small, conquer your fears, test what can be tested, but try not to make too many assumptions.
  9. Never stick to a goal that has been proven wrong
    • Wrong, as in Truth™, can be highly subjective and this rule is extremely hard to follow. No matter how much data you collect, you can never know the full picture. Be honest with yourself and others; do the best job with the information at hand; help as much as possible; harm as little as possible.